پارسی، ترجمه و ویرایش

نکاتی دربارۀ نگارش فارسی، تایپِ درست و ترجمه (اکبر خرّمی)

پارسی، ترجمه و ویرایش

نکاتی دربارۀ نگارش فارسی، تایپِ درست و ترجمه (اکبر خرّمی)

برخی از مطالب مهم این وبلاگ

برخی از مندرجات این وبلاگ دربارۀ نگارش درستِ فارسی، غلط‌های رایج تایپی، فونت‌های استاندارد و رفع مشکلات کیبورد فارسی:

(به دانشجویان گرامیِ رشتۀ مترجمی توصیه می‌شود حتماً مطالب همۀ لینک‌های زیر را مطالعه نمایند.)

دانلود ۵ دسته فونت فارسی منطبق با استاندارد یونیکد

تفاوت کاراکترهای فارسی با عربی

غلط‌های تایپی – ۱

آموزش مصوّر تصحیح کیبورد فارسی

نرم‌افزار رایگان چینش دلخواه کلیدهای کیبورد

مقایسۀ شکل «ـۀ» فارسی در چند فونت

مشکلات ما ایرانیــان در استفاده از فونت

نکات نگارشی و تایپی – ۲

انواع خط فاصله  (Em dash, En dash, Hyphen)

نیم‌فاصله یـا فاصلۀ مجازی (zwnj) در تایپ فارسی

جاسازیِ فونت‌ها در خودِ فایل ورد

 اطلاعات تماس با من در صفحۀ «دربارۀ من»


ترجمهٔ متون ساده - متن ٨

ترجمۀ متون ساده – متن ۸

آذر ۹۶


Riding through the royal forest of Sherwood on a glorious May morning, you don’t have a care in the world. Then you hear a bird call, the faint rustling of trees, and suddenly a man armed with a longbow appears in your path.

He wears a feathered cap. You can’t see the man’s face clearly, but you don’t have to. He is dressed in green, the colour of Robin Hood — the most famous English outlaw of all time.

Don’t worry, he won’t harm you — not yet, of course. He’ll invite you to join him and his outlaw band for a feast. The meal of choice? Venison —

Freshly‑killed deer. Only a king is allowed to hunt it, but then Robin never did worry about the law.

After your feast, Robin, or his faithful lieutenant Little John, will ask you a question. How much money are you carrying? If you answer truthfully, you may keep all that you have. If you need money, then Robin will give or lend you some. But if you lie to him — if you hoard your money well, you won’t have that money for very long. You’ll be stripped of your clothes and cash, tied backwards on your horse and sent back to Nottingham in shame. And your money? It will go to help someone in need.

تبریک روز دانشجو

شانزدهم آذر، روز دانشجو، را به دانشجویان گرامی تبریک می‌گویم. 

همت، امید و تلاش چراغ راهتان باد. 

ترجمۀ متون ساده – متن ۷

ترجمۀ متون ساده – متن ۷

آذر ۹۶

پیش از ترجمۀ متن، لینک‌های زیر را ملاحظه بفرمایید.

دانلود ۵ دسته فونت فارسی منطبق با استاندارد یونیکد

تفاوت کاراکترهای فارسی با عربی

غلط‌های تایپی – ۱

آموزش مصوّر تصحیح کیبورد فارسی

نرم‌افزار رایگان چینش دلخواه کلیدهای کیبورد

مقایسۀ شکل «ـۀ» فارسی در چند فونت

مشکلات ما ایرانیــان در استفاده از فونت

نکات نگارشی و تایپی – ۲

انواع خط فاصله  (Em dash, En dash, Hyphen)

نیم‌فاصله یـا فاصلۀ مجازی (zwnj) در تایپ فارسی

جاسازیِ فونت‌ها در خودِ فایل ورد

Azbar-Ali Hajavi, also known as Riz-Ali Khajavi, who bravely saved the lives of passengers from a train crash in 1961 died at 86 on Saturday.

Born in 1930, in Miyaneh, northwestern Iran, Riz-Ali is best known as Dehqan‑e Fadakar. For decades his story was taught in primary schools nationwide. 

On a cold November night, Khajavi, 32, detected a landslide while walking along the railroad. He then took off his jacket, tied it to a stick and set it on fire while running towards a train which was speeding towards him shouting “danger” to stop it.

He finally was forced to fire his gun into the air to stop the train. The story of his sacrifice, which could have cost him his own life, was once included in third graders textbooks in Iran. 

In a message aired on national TV Saturday night, Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani expressed his sincere condolences over the death of Iranian hero, saying “the courageous story of Mr. Riz‑Ali Khajavi and his sacrifice to save the lives of his compatriots became a lesson for the children of our homeland.”

ترجمهٔ متون ساده - متن ۶

ترجمهٔ متون ساده - متن ۶

- رعایت همهٔ نکات نگارشی و تایپی الزامی است. 

- یک نسخهٔ پرینت شده را باید در کلاس تحویل دهید. 

 غلط‌های تایپی – ۱

Poverty in its various forms has increasingly occupied the attention of the international community during the last decade. Successive Summits have made commitments to drastically reduce the misery from which so many humans suffer throughout their lives. Such attention is in itself an encouraging step forward, but actual progress is still painfully slow, even though measures to improve the livelihoods of the poor are affordable. Hunger and food insecurity — the most serious forms of extreme poverty — have now become international priorities, and participants in the 1996 World Food Summit made a solemn commitment to halve hunger in the world by 2015.


Intangible heritage includes voices, values, traditions, and oral history. Popularly this includes cuisine, clothing, forms of shelter, traditional skills and technologies, religious ceremonies, performing arts, and storytelling. Today, we consider the tangible heritage inextricably bound up with the intangible heritage. In conservation projects we aim to preserve both the tangible as well as the intangible heritage.


Today, the government is launching a new campaign to encourage middle‑aged Britons to sleep more, as part of a wider effort to embrace a healthy lifestyle. Apparently, people aged 40–60 are particularly susceptible to running a sleep deficit.

ترجمۀ متون ساده – متن ۵

ترجمۀ متون ساده – متن ۵

آذر ۹۶

دانشجویان گرامی، متن زیر را با رعایت همۀ نکات تایپی و نگارشی تایپ نموده، در جلسۀ آینده تحویل دهید.


The remains of World War I soldiers killed almost a hundred years ago have finally been discovered due to the work of a group of archaeologists.

In the region of Champagne-Ardenne, in northeast France on Friday afternoon, local volunteers unearthed a network of trenches and tunnels filled in by farmers after the war.

This is the complete skeleton of an unidentified German soldier which is housed in the region’s archaeological warehouse.

The soldier was aged between 20 and 25-years-old when he was killed, and the uniform and equipment found buried in his grave meant it was possible to identify him as German.

The region — which used to be a natural fortress — saw vast activity in the Great War of 1914–1918. Its pivotal position between the Champagne and Argonne fronts made it an important strategic point for both sides, with both German and French forces taking control over the complex puzzle of trenches during the war.

Over 16 million people lost their lives during World War I, and at the time it was described as the war to end all wars; it originated in Europe and lasted from 28 July 1914 to 11 November 1918. More than 70 million military personnel, including 60 million Europeans, were mobilised in one of the largest wars in history.


درس ترجمۀ پیشرفتۀ (۲)

درس ترجمۀ پیشرفتۀ (۲)

دانشجویان گرامی،

برای جلسۀ آینده (آذر ماه) متن شمارۀ ۷ را ترجمه نمایید، نه متن شمارۀ ۶.

ترجمۀ متون ساده – متن۴

 ترجمۀ متون ساده – متن ۴

۲۰ و ۲۱ آبان ۹۶


A man in his 40's bought a new BMW and was out on the interstate for a nice evening drive. The window was down, the breeze was blowing through what was left of his hair and he decided to put the pedal to the metal. As the needle jumped up to 80 mph, he suddenly saw flashing red and blue lights behind him. “There’s no way they can catch a BMW,” he thought to himself and accelerated further. The needle hit 90, 100.... Then the reality of the situation hit him. “What the hell am I doing?” he thought and pulled over. The cop came up to him, took his license without a word and examined it and the car.

“It’s been a long day, this is the end of my shift and it’s Friday the 13th. I don't feel like more paperwork, so if you can give me an excuse for your driving that I haven’t heard before, you can go.”

The guy thinks for a second and says, “Last week my wife ran off with a cop. I was afraid you were trying to give her back.” “Have a nice weekend,” said the officer.

ترجمهٔ متون ساده - متن ٣

ترجمهٔ متون ساده - متن ٣

١٣ و ١۴ آبان ٩۶ 

Years ago in Scotland, the Clark family had a dream. Clark and his wife worked and saved, making plans for their nine children and themselves to travel to the United States. It had taken years, but they had finally saved enough money and had gotten passports and reservations for the whole family on a new liner to the United States.

The entire family was filled with excitement about their new life. However, seven days before their departure, the youngest son was bitten by a dog. The doctor sewed up the boy but hung a yellow sheet on the Clarks' front door. Because of the possibility of rabies, they were being quarantined for fourteen days.

The family's dreams were dashed. They would not be able to make the trip to America as they had planned. The father, filled with disappointment and anger, walked to the dock to watch the ship leave — without the Clark family. The father shed tears of disappointment and cursed both his son and God for their misfortune.

Five days later, the tragic news spread throughout Scotland — the mighty Titanic had sunk. The unsinkable ship had sunk, taking hundreds of lives with it. The Clark family were supposed to be on that ship, but because the son had been bitten by a dog, they were left behind in Scotland.

ترجمۀ متون ساده – متن ۲

ترجمۀ متون ساده – متن ۲

شنبه و یکشنبه، ۲۹ و ۳۰ مِهر ۹۶


دانشجویان گرامی،

۱- حتماً به معادل‌های دقیقِ نام‌های خاص در متنِ زیر دقت نمایید.

۲- همۀ نکاتِ ترجمه‌ای و نگارشی‌ای که در کلاس توضیح داده می‌شود باید در ترجمه‌های بعدی رعایت شود.


The Achaemenid Persian empire was the largest that the ancient world had seen, extending from Anatolia and Egypt across western Asia to northern India and Central Asia. Its formation began in 550 B.C., when King Astyages of Media, who dominated much of Iran and eastern Anatolia (Turkey), was defeated by his southern neighbor Cyrus II (“the Great”), king of Persia (r. 559–530 B.C.). This upset the balance of power in the Near East.

The Lydians of western Anatolia under King Croesus took advantage of the fall of Media to push east and clashed with Persian forces. The Lydian army withdrew for the winter but the Persians advanced to the Lydian capital at Sardis, which fell after a two-week siege.

The Lydians had been allied with the Babylonians and Egyptians and Cyrus now had to confront these major powers. The Babylonian empire controlled Mesopotamia and the eastern Mediterranean. In 539 B.C., Persian forces defeated the Babylonian army at the site of Opis, east of the Tigris. Cyrus entered Babylon and presented himself as a traditional Mesopotamian monarch, restoring temples and releasing political prisoners.

ترجمۀ متون ساده – متن ۱

ترجمۀ متون ساده – متن ۱

۲۲ و ۲۳ مهر ۹۶

فونت «یاس» را از اینجا دانلود و روی رایانۀ خود نصب کنید تا همه نوشته‌های فارسیِ این وبلاگ را زیباتر ببینید.

How do batteries work?

Electricity, as you probably already know, is the flow of electrons through a conductive path like a wire. This path is called a circuit.

Batteries have three parts, an anode (-), a cathode (+), and the electrolyte. The cathode and anode (the positive and negative sides at either end of a traditional battery) are hooked up to an electrical circuit.

The chemical reactions in the battery causes a build up of electrons at the anode. This results in an electrical difference between the anode and the cathode. You can think of this difference as an unstable build-up of the electrons. The electrons want to rearrange themselves to get rid of this difference. But they do this in a certain way. Electrons repel each other and try to go to a place with fewer electrons.

In a battery, the only place to go is to the cathode. But, the electrolyte keeps the electrons from going straight from the anode to the cathode within the battery. When the circuit is closed the electrons will be able to get to the cathode. In the picture above, the electrons go through the wire, lighting the light bulb along the way. This is one way of describing how electrical potential causes electrons to flow through the circuit.


معرفی کتاب برای درس «ترجمۀ پیشرفته»

معرفی کتاب برای درس «ترجمۀ پیشرفته»

دانشجویان گرامی،

لطفاً این کتاب را خریداری بفرمایید:

Translation From English

For Advanced Students


H. A. Cartledge

همچنین برای جلسۀ آینده متن شمارۀ یک، که با عبارتِ At last the house…  آغاز می‌شود، را ترجمه نمایید.

ترجمۀ متون ساده – متن پایانی

ترجمۀ متون ساده – متن پایانی


دانشجویان گرامی،

متن‌های زیر مکمّل کارهای کلاسیِ شما و به‌گونه‌ای در حکم آزمون پایان ترم است.

لطفاً آن را با رعایت همۀ نکات «ترجمه‌ای»، «نگارشی» و «تایپی» ترجمه نموده، برای من ایمیل کنید.

مهلت فرستادن این ترجمه: یکشنبه، ۱۹ دی ۹۵

فرمت موضوع ایمیل (مثال): ساده – نرگس ساده‌پسند

لطفاً همۀ دانشجویان فقط با این فرمت ایمیل بزنند.

در ضمن، لازم نیست متن شمارۀ ۷ برای من ارسال شود.

ترجمه فقط به صورت فایل «ورد» باشد.


Poverty in its various forms has increasingly occupied the attention of the international community during the last decade. Successive Summits have made commitments to drastically reduce the misery from which so many humans suffer throughout their lives. Such attention is in itself an encouraging step forward, but actual progress is still painfully slow, even though measures to improve the livelihoods of the poor are affordable. Hunger and food insecurity — the most serious forms of extreme poverty — have now become international priorities, and participants in the 1996 World Food Summit made a solemn commitment to halve hunger in the world by 2015.


Intangible heritage includes voices, values, traditions, and oral history. Popularly this includes cuisine, clothing, forms of shelter, traditional skills and technologies, religious ceremonies, performing arts, and storytelling. Today, we consider the tangible heritage inextricably bound up with the intangible heritage. In conservation projects we aim to preserve both the tangible as well as the intangible heritage.


Today, the government is launching a new campaign to encourage middle‑aged Britons to sleep more, as part of a wider effort to embrace a healthy lifestyle. Apparently, people aged 40–60 are particularly susceptible to running a sleep deficit.

ترجمۀ پیشرفته (۲) – متن پایانی

ترجمۀ پیشرفته (۲) – متن پایانی

دانشجویان گرامی،

دو متن زیر مکمّل کارهای کلاسیِ شما و به‌گونه‌ای در حکم آزمون پایان ترم است.

لطفاً آن را با رعایت همۀ نکات «ترجمه‌ای»، «نگارشی» و «تایپی» ترجمه نموده، برای من ایمیل کنید.

مهلت فرستادن این ترجمه: جمعه ۱۷ دی ۹۵

فرمت موضوع ایمیل (مثال): مطبوعاتی – مریم عباسیِ پیشرفته‌دوست

لطفاً همۀ دانشجویان فقط با این فرمت ایمیل بزنند.

In moral and political philosophy, the social contract or political contract is a theory or model, originating during the Age of Enlightenment, that typically addresses the questions of the origin of society and the legitimacy of the authority of the state over the individual.[1] Social contract arguments typically posit that individuals have consented, either explicitly or tacitly, to surrender some of their freedoms and submit to the authority of the ruler or magistrate (or to the decision of a majority), in exchange for protection of their remaining rights. The question of the relation between natural and legal rights, therefore, is often an aspect of social contract theory.

Although the antecedents of social contract theory are found in antiquity, in Greek and Stoic philosophy and Roman and Canon Law, the heyday of the social contract was the mid-17th to early 19th centuries, when it emerged as the leading doctrine of political legitimacy.


Wall Street continues to eye higher education investments as a new way to increase their bottom line. As college costs increase and students go further into debt, Wall Street has made a killing on profits from higher education spending while students and taxpayers foot the bill. Below are some shocking ways that Wall Street has corporatised higher education across the country.

ترجمۀ مطبوعاتی – متن پایانی

ترجمۀ مطبوعاتی (۲) – متن پایانی

دانشجویان گرامی،

متن زیر مکمّل کارهای کلاسیِ شما و به‌گونه‌ای در حکم آزمون پایان ترم است.

لطفاً آن را با رعایت همۀ نکات «ترجمه‌ای»، «نگارشی» و «تایپی» ترجمه نموده، برای من ایمیل کنید.

مهلت فرستادن این ترجمه: پنجشنبه ۱۶ دی ۹۵

فرمت موضوع ایمیل (مثال): مطبوعاتی – زهرا حسینی

لطفاً همۀ دانشجویان فقط با این فرمت ایمیل بزنند.

Turkey and Russia have agreed on a proposal for a general ceasefire in Syria and will aim to put it into effect by midnight on Wednesday night, Turkey’s foreign minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu has said.

But he still insisted that Syrian president Bashar al-Assad must eventually go, a precondition for talks that Russia has always opposed.

There was also no sign that the mainstream Syrian opposition groups had agreed to the ceasefire, and it appears likely there will be be disagreement about the territory to be covered by any ceasefire. The rebel groups will want it to extend to the Damascus countryside, something that Russia opposes.


After the death of Carrie Fisher, who died aged 60 in Los Angeles on Tuesday, tributes from her co-stars and Hollywood peers have been appearing on social media. Her Star Wars co-star Harrison Ford released a statement saying Fisher was a “one-of-a-kind” who lived her life “bravely”, adding: “My thoughts are with her daughter Billie, her mother Debbie, her brother Todd and her many friends. We will all miss her.”


The 9th organic products festival will kick off on Saturday, December 31, at Tehran’s Goftogu Park.

During the 7-day event, participants will offer organic agricultural products and medicinal herbs to the public, Mehr News Agency reported on Tuesday.

Currently, out of 206 fruit and vegetable markets in Tehran, 23 are offering organic products, the director general of fruit and vegetable organization affiliated with Tehran Municipality said.

Raising public awareness about organic foods and informing them of advantages of such products would lead to healthy diet and healthy citizens, Abdolhossein Rahimi suggested.


اطلاعیۀ آزمون پایان ترمِ «ترجمۀ مکاتبات و اسناد (۱)»

اطلاعیۀ آزمون پایان ترمِ «ترجمۀ مکاتبات و اسناد (۱)» [جدید]

پروردگارا! دو روز مانده به امتحان هم...!

  • امتحان دو بخش دارد:
    • ترجمۀ واژه‌ها و عبارت‌ها: انگلیسی به فارسی و برعکس!
    • ترجمۀ متن (هر کدام در حد یک پاراگراف): فقط انگلیسی به فارسی.
  • بجز بخش‌هایی که خودم گفته‌ام حذف شده، در مورد بخش‌های دیگر، هم خود متنِ اسناد را باید بخوانید هم توضیحاتِ آنها را.
  • امتحان از اول کتاب تا پایان صفحۀ ۱۰۲ است.
  • بخش‌هایی که سر کلاس حذف شده‌اند در امتحان نخواهد آمد.
  • در بخش‌هایی که حذف نشده، تمرین‌های checkpoint جزو امتحان خواهد بود.
  • لطفاً خوش‌خط و خوانا بنویسید.
  • پاسخ‌ها را فقط در همان برگۀ سوال‌ها بنویسید. برای هر پاسخ‌ جای مناسب گذاشته‌ام.
  • در پایان برگۀ امتحان نمی‌نویسم «موفق باشید»؛ ولی کسانی که این درس را برای شب امتحان گذاشته‌اند «موفق باشند»!


وضعیت آزمون‌های دی‌ماه ۹۰

وضعیت آزمون‌ها


لطفاً متن زیر را با دقت بخوانید.

به اطلاع دانشجویان گرامی می‌رسانم که وضعیت آزمون‌های ترم جاری به قرار زیر است:

  • انفرادی: ترجمۀ نهایی باید حد اکثر تا ۲۰ دی ایمیل شود. فرمت ایمیل در بخش موضوع (subject) دقیقاً به این صورت باشد:

    انفرادی: نام نام خانوادگی

    انفرادی: مریم حسینی

پیشرفتۀ (۲): امتحان نهایی ندارد، ولی یک متن روی وبلاگ خواهم گذاشت تا دانشجویان ترجمه نموده، به من ایمیل بزنند.
  • مطبوعاتی (۲): مانند پیشرفته
  • ساده: مانند پیشرفته
  • اسناد (۱): آزمون به همان صورتی که از اول ترم گفته بودم در تاریخ عادیِ خودش برگزار خواهد شد.

 تاریخ تحویل دادنِ ترجمه‌های پیشرفته، مطبوعاتی و ساده در کنار متن انگیسی به اطلاع شما خواهد رسید.

تعطیلی کلاس‌ها

کلاس‌های شنبه و یکشنبه ٢٠ و  ٢١ آذر برگزار نمی‌گردد! 

تکلیف امتحانات هم در همین وبلاگ یا سایت دانشگاه مشخص خواهد شد. 

به امید دیدارِ دوبارهٔ دانشجویان گرامی. 

روز دانشجو

روز دانشجو را به دانشجویان گرامی تبریک می‌گویم. 

امید، نشاط و موفّقیتتان پایدار باد! 

ترجمۀ متون ساده – متن شمارۀ ۷

ترجمۀ متون ساده – متن شمارۀ ۷

شنبه، ۲۰ آذر ۹۵

لینک برخی از مطالب مهم این وبلاگ که دانشجویان باید مطالعه کنند

What is Cultural Heritage?

بخشی از نمرۀ نهاییِ شما منوط به رعایت نکات تایپی، نگارشی و ترجمه‌ای است.

Cultural Heritage is an expression of the ways of living developed by a community and passed on from generation to generation, including customs, practices, places, objects, artistic expressions and values. Cultural Heritage is often expressed as either Intangible or Tangible Cultural Heritage.

As part of human activity, Cultural Heritage produces tangible representations of the value systems, beliefs, traditions and lifestyles. As an essential part of culture as a whole, Cultural Heritage contains these visible and tangible traces from antiquity to the recent past.

Cultural Heritage types

Cultural Heritage can be classified as built environment (buildings, townscapes, and archaeological remains), natural environment (rural landscapes, coasts, and agricultural heritage), and artefacts (books, documents, objects, pictures).

Tangible & Intangible Heritage

Having at one time referred exclusively to the monumental remains of cultures, cultural heritage as a concept has gradually come to include new categories. Today, we find that heritage is not only manifested through tangible forms such as artefacts, buildings or landscapes but also through intangible forms. Intangible heritage includes voices, values, traditions, and oral history. Popularly this includes cuisine, clothing, forms of shelter, traditional skills and technologies, religious ceremonies, performing arts, and storytelling. Today, we consider the tangible heritage inextricably bound up with the intangible heritage. In conservation projects we aim to preserve both the tangible as well as the intangible heritage.


ترجمۀ متون ساده

دانشجویانی که شنبه ۱۳ آذر ۹۵ درس «ترجمۀ متون ساده» دارند لازم نیست متنی را ترجمه کنند. ترجمه سرِ کلاس تمرین خواهد شد. برگۀ مناسب همراه خود داشته باشید.

ترجمۀ متون ساده – متن ۶

ترجمۀ متون ساده – متن ۶

شنبه، ۶ آذر ۹۵

متن زیر را با رعایت همۀ نکات تایپی، نگارشی و ترجمه‌ای به صورت تایپ‌شده تحویل دهید.


The remains of World War I soldiers killed almost a hundred years ago have finally been discovered due to the work of a group of archaeologists.

In the region of Champagne-Ardenne, in northeast France on Friday afternoon, local volunteers unearthed a network of trenches and tunnels filled in by farmers after the war.

This is the complete skeleton of an unidentified German soldier which is housed in the region’s archaeological warehouse.

The soldier was aged between 20 and 25-years-old when he was killed, and the uniform and equipment found buried in his grave meant it was possible to identify him as German.

The region — which used to be a natural fortress — saw vast activity in the Great War of 1914–1918. Its pivotal position between the Champagne and Argonne fronts made it an important strategic point for both sides, with both German and French forces taking control over the complex puzzle of trenches during the war.

Over 16 million people lost their lives during World War I, and at the time it was described as the war to end all wars; it originated in Europe and lasted from 28 July 1914 to 11 November 1918. More than 70 million military personnel, including 60 million Europeans, were mobilised in one of the largest wars in history.

ترجمۀ مطبوعاتی ۲ – متن شمارۀ ۶

One of the world’s smallest countries has declared itself debt-free and plans to spend the money saved from servicing borrowing on raising pensions and offering incentives to lure expatriates home.

The island of Niue, perched on a coral atoll in the south Pacific, is home to fewer than 2,000 people.

Although self-governing, the island is not fully independent and has a free association with New Zealand, which provides around $14m a year in aid and handles the bulk of the island’s foreign affairs, as well as providing its defence.

Premier Toke Talagi said Niue had managed to pay off up to US$4m of debt and had “no interest” in borrowing again, especially from big powers such as China that had offered the country “huge sums that other Pacific islands find too tempting to resist”.

“We are trying to live within our means using the island’s natural resources such as tourism, bananas and exporting water,” Talagi told the Guardian.

On 1 December the pension for Niueans would rise from US$250 a fortnight to US$272, Talagi said — an increase of just under 9%.

The government was also aiming to increase public servants’ wages in the next three to five years, to reach 80% of New Zealand rates.

ترجمۀ پیشرفتۀ ‌۲ – متن شمارۀ ۶

ترجمۀ پیشرفتۀ ‌۲ – متن شمارۀ ۶

یکشنبه، ۷ آذر ۹۵

آموزش مصوّر ذخیرۀ فونت‌ها در خودِ فایل وُرد

فقط از فونت «یاس (Yas)» یـــــا «نیلوفر (XB Niloofar)» استفاده نمایـیـد.

Hafez (born 1325, died 1389, Shiraz) is one of the finest lyric poets of Persia. He received a classical religious education, and as a court poet, he enjoyed the patronage of several rulers of Shiraz.

About 1368–69 Hafez fell out of favour at the court and did not regain his position until 20 years later, just before his death. In his poetry there are many echoes of historical events as well as biographical descriptions and details of life in Shiraz. One of the guiding principles of his life was “Sufism”, the Islamic mystical movement that demanded of its adherents complete devotion to the pursuit of union with the ultimate reality.

Hafez’s principal verse form — one that he brought to a perfection never achieved before or since — was the ghazal (or sonnet), a lyric poem of 6 to 15 couplets linked by unity of subject and symbolism rather than by a logical sequence of ideas. Hafez’s achievement was to give the conventional subjects a freshness and subtlety that completely relieves his poetry of tedious formalism. The extraordinary popularity of Hafez’s poetry in all Persian-speaking lands stems from his simple and often colloquial though musical language, free from artificial virtuosity, and his unaffected use of homely images and proverbial expressions. Above all, his poetry is characterized by love of humanity, contempt for hypocrisy, and an ability to relate everyday experience to the mystic’s unending search for union with God.


ترجمۀ مطبوعاتی – متن شمارۀ ۵

ترجمۀ مطبوعاتی ۲ – متن شمارۀ ۵

یکشنبه،  ۲۳ آبان ۹۵

  • ترجمۀ این متن حتماً باید تایپ شود.
  • همۀ نکات ترجمه‌ای، تایپی و نگارشی باید به صورت کامل رعایت گردد. این بخشی از نمرۀ شماست.
  • دانشجویانی که تاکنون مطالبِ وبلاگ را مطالعه نکرده‌اند حتماً به لینک‌های زیر سربزنند.

نیم‌فاصله یـا فاصلۀ مجازی (zwnj) در تایپ فارسی

انواع خط فاصله  (Em dash, En dash, Hyphen)

آموزش مصوّر تصحیح کیبورد فارسی

نرم‌افزار رایگان چینش دلخواه کلیدهای کیبورد

لینک دانلود فونت فارسی یونیکد یاس

مقایسۀ شکل «ـۀ» فارسی در چند فونت

مشکلات ما ایرانیــان در استفاده از فونت

جاسازیِ فونت‌ها در خودِ فایل ورد

تفاوت کاراکترهای فارسی با عربی

دانلود ۵ دسته فونت فارسی منطبق با استاندارد یونیکد

TEHRAN – The Golden Eagle Luxury Trains, a prestigious European operator of exclusive, long-distance rail tours, is scheduled to run new rounds of its services that offers extensive excursions throughout Iran.

“Passengers from several countries including the UK, Spain, the U.S., Australia, Canada, and South Africa will aboard the opening southbound train that is scheduled to depart from Moscow on November 10th”, IRNA reported on November 3.

Of an 18th-day itinerary titled “Persian Odyssey” the train will stop at various spots in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan before it enters the northeastern Iranian city of Mashhad early on the 11th day of its journey.

Holy shrine of Imam Reza (AS), Nader Shah Museum, and mausoleum of the illustrious Persian poet Ferdowsi (c. 940–1020), are amongst destinations for one-day stop in Khorassan Razavi Province.

The backpackers will also have stopovers in cities of Kerman, Yazd, Isfahan, and Shiraz where rich collections of historical sites and natural beauties of the country stands within or nearby.

The journey will come to an end in Tehran by November 27, following a three-day stay in the capital that will include visits to the Treasury of National Jewels and the 19th-century Golestan Palace.

“The final Persian Odyssey — which will be a northbound service — is slated to leave Tehran for Moscow on November 24, 2017”, the Society of International Railway Travelers announced on its website.


ترجمۀ پیشرفتۀ ۲ – متن شمارۀ ۵

ترجمۀ پیشرفتۀ ۲ – متن شمارۀ ۵

یکشنبه، ۲۳ آبان ۹۵

  • ترجمۀ این متن حتماً باید تایپ شود.
  • همۀ نکات ترجمه‌ای، تایپی و نگارشی باید به صورت کامل رعایت گردد. این بخشی از نمرۀ شماست.
  • دانشجویانی که تاکنون مطالبِ وبلاگ را مطالعه نکرده‌اند حتماً به لینک‌های زیر سربزنند.

نیم‌فاصله یـا فاصلۀ مجازی (zwnj) در تایپ فارسی

انواع خط فاصله  (Em dash, En dash, Hyphen)

آموزش مصوّر تصحیح کیبورد فارسی

نرم‌افزار رایگان چینش دلخواه کلیدهای کیبورد

لینک دانلود فونت فارسی یونیکد یاس

مقایسۀ شکل «ـۀ» فارسی در چند فونت

مشکلات ما ایرانیــان در استفاده از فونت

جاسازیِ فونت‌ها در خودِ فایل ورد

تفاوت کاراکترهای فارسی با عربی

دانلود ۵ دسته فونت فارسی منطبق با استاندارد یونیکد

A new guide has been launched (in 2013) that is aimed at helping local authorities in the UK make use of new technologies — such as big data analysis and cloud computing — in order to revolutionize their local transport systems, while also reducing costs. In the current political and financial environment, where local authorities are increasingly strapped for cash, the guide illustrates how some local authorities have used technology to improve their transport systems while managing, and in some cases reducing, costs.

Produced by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), the guide sets out some of the advantages new technologies can bring in solving existing and future transport problems. Examples range from smartphone apps to determine road conditions, to Bluetooth systems that allow transport operators and planners to analyse journeys across multiple transport modes in near real-time. It also discusses some of the important issues when implementing these new solutions, including open standards, security and privacy issues.

As travel and transport systems become increasingly based on internet technologies, the guide also outlines potentially dramatic changes in procurement, where traditional methods of ownership and operation can be replaced by systems that rely on cheap communications media, such as cloud-based systems.

ترجمۀ مطبوعاتی و ترجمۀ پیشرفته

ترجمۀ مطبوعاتی – متن ۵

ترجمۀ پیشرفته – متن ۵


برای روز یکشنبه ۱۶ آبان ۹۵، متن «ترجمۀ پیشرفته» در کلاس ارائه خواهد شد. فعلاً به جای ترجمه، دو کلیپ زیر را ببینید: ترجمۀ شفاهی من.

همچنین برای درس «ترجمۀ مطبوعاتی» هم ادامۀ متن هفتۀ گذشته (شمارۀ ۴) را کار خواهیم کرد.

ترجمۀ متون ساده – متن ۵

ترجمۀ متون ساده – متن ۵

شنبه، ۱۵ آبان ۹۵

لطفاً تک‌تک دانشجویان به وبلاگ مراجعه نمایند و علاوه بر متنِ زیر به دیگر لینک‌ها و مطالبِ وبلاگ هم سر بزنند.

دانلود ۵ دسته فونت فارسی منطبق با استاندارد یونیکد

تفاوت کاراکترهای فارسی با عربی

آموزش مصوّر تصحیح کیبورد فارسی

نرم‌افزار رایگان چینش دلخواه کلیدهای کیبورد

مقایسۀ شکل «ـۀ» فارسی در چند فونت

مشکلات ما ایرانیــان در استفاده از فونت

انواع خط فاصله  (Em dash, En dash, Hyphen)

نیم‌فاصله یـا فاصلۀ مجازی (zwnj) در تایپ فارسی

جاسازیِ فونت‌ها در خودِ فایل ورد

A man in his 40's bought a new BMW and was out on the interstate for a nice evening drive. The window was down, the breeze was blowing through what was left of his hair and he decided to put the pedal to the metal. As the needle jumped up to 80 mph, he suddenly saw flashing red and blue lights behind him. “There’s no way they can catch a BMW,” he thought to himself and accelerated further. The needle hit 90, 100.... Then the reality of the situation hit him. “What the hell am I doing?” he thought and pulled over. The cop came up to him, took his license without a word and examined it and the car.

“It’s been a long day, this is the end of my shift and it’s Friday the 13th. I don't feel like more paperwork, so if you can give me an excuse for your driving that I haven’t heard before, you can go.”

The guy thinks for a second and says, “Last week my wife ran off with a cop. I was afraid you were trying to give her back.” “Have a nice weekend,” said the officer.


ترجمۀ متون ساده – متن ۴

ترجمۀ متون ساده – متن ۴

شنبه، ۸ آبان ۹۵

دانلود ۵ دسته فونت فارسی منطبق با استاندارد یونیکد

تفاوت کاراکترهای فارسی با عربی

آموزش مصوّر تصحیح کیبورد فارسی

نرم‌افزار رایگان چینش دلخواه کلیدهای کیبورد

مقایسۀ شکل «ـۀ» فارسی در چند فونت

مشکلات ما ایرانیــان در استفاده از فونت

انواع خط فاصله  (Em dash, En dash, Hyphen)

نیم‌فاصله یـا فاصلۀ مجازی (zwnj) در تایپ فارسی

جاسازیِ فونت‌ها در خودِ فایل ورد

دانشجویان گرامی، لطفاً پیش از ترجمۀ متنِ زیر، لینک‌های بالا را مطالعه نمایـیـد.

Years ago in Scotland, the Clark family had a dream. Clark and his wife worked and saved, making plans for their nine children and themselves to travel to the United States. It had taken years, but they had finally saved enough money and had gotten passports and reservations for the whole family on a new liner to the United States.

The entire family was filled with excitement about their new life. However, seven days before their departure, the youngest son was bitten by a dog. The doctor sewed up the boy but hung a yellow sheet on the Clarks' front door. Because of the possibility of rabies, they were being quarantined for fourteen days.

The family's dreams were dashed. They would not be able to make the trip to America as they had planned. The father, filled with disappointment and anger, walked to the dock to watch the ship leave — without the Clark family. The father shed tears of disappointment and cursed both his son and God for their misfortune.

Five days later, the tragic news spread throughout Scotland — the mighty Titanic had sunk. The unsinkable ship had sunk, taking hundreds of lives with it. The Clark family were supposed to be on that ship, but because the son had been bitten by a dog, they were left behind in Scotland.


ترجمۀ مطبوعاتی (۲) – متن ۴

ترجمۀ مطبوعاتی (۲) – متن ۴

یکشنبه، ۹ آبان ۹۵

دانلود ۵ دسته فونت فارسی منطبق با استاندارد یونیکد

تفاوت کاراکترهای فارسی با عربی

آموزش مصوّر تصحیح کیبورد فارسی

نرم‌افزار رایگان چینش دلخواه کلیدهای کیبورد

مقایسۀ شکل «ـۀ» فارسی در چند فونت

مشکلات ما ایرانیــان در استفاده از فونت

انواع خط فاصله  (Em dash, En dash, Hyphen)

نیم‌فاصله یـا فاصلۀ مجازی (zwnj) در تایپ فارسی

جاسازیِ فونت‌ها در خودِ فایل ورد


“Cow's milk has been a staple in the diet of children in North America for a long, long time and is loaded with essential nutrients and energy,” including protein, fat, calcium and vitamin D, said Dr. Jonathon Maguire, a pediatrician and researcher at St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto.

While kids can get these nutrients from other foods, milk is an easy and inexpensive source that most children like. “However, as with most healthy things, too much of a good thing is probably not a good thing,” Dr. Maguire said.

The 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that children consume two to three cups of milk or servings of other dairy products per day, depending on their age. “Five to six cups of milk for a 5-year old child is excessive,” said Angela Lemond, a spokeswoman for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

The problem is that there is a nutritional tradeoff of sorts with milk. A 2013 study led by Dr. Maguire found that when 2- to 5-year-old children drank more milk, their vitamin D levels increased, but their iron stores decreased which could lead to anemia and problems with brain development. When children drank about two cups of milk per day, they got enough vitamin D without risking iron deficiency.


ترجمۀ پیشرفتۀ ۲ – متن شمارۀ ۴

ترجمۀ پیشرفتۀ ۲ – متن شمارۀ ۴

یکشنبه، ۹ آبان ۹۵

دانلود ۵ دسته فونت فارسی منطبق با استاندارد یونیکد

تفاوت کاراکترهای فارسی با عربی

آموزش مصوّر تصحیح کیبورد فارسی

نرم‌افزار رایگان چینش دلخواه کلیدهای کیبورد

مقایسۀ شکل «ـۀ» فارسی در چند فونت

مشکلات ما ایرانیــان در استفاده از فونت

انواع خط فاصله  (Em dash, En dash, Hyphen)

نیم‌فاصله یـا فاصلۀ مجازی (zwnj) در تایپ فارسی

جاسازیِ فونت‌ها در خودِ فایل ورد

How does one motivate an employee? For decades, organizational behaviourists and industrial psychologists have struggled to answer this question. To most nonacademics, money immediately comes to mind as one possible response. Challenging job tasks, attractive physical work places, and collegial operating environments would also probably find places on most personal lists. On paper, answers such as these appear fairly obvious. Unfortunately, the Internet economy and the inherent opportunities for dramatic personal wealth creation have placed in question the effectiveness of many traditional managerial solutions. Never before has the function of attracting, motivating, and retaining talented individuals taken on such prominence.

Luckily, academics continue to tackle this issue through diverse lenses. One important school of thought contends that a reasonable response may be tied to an understanding of the nature of the firm itself and its boundaries. Theorists working in this paradigm suggest that a sound understanding and prudent use of property rights by managers and directors hold the key to the resolution of this and other important organizational challenges.

The idea of a property right is not new. Indeed, economists have been working with this concept for almost eighty years. A classical definition suggests that a property right is the liberty or permit to enjoy benefits of wealth while assuming the costs which those benefits entail.

ترجمۀ پیشرفته (۲) – متن شمارۀ ۳

ترجمۀ پیشرفته (۲) – متن شمارۀ ۳

یکشنبه، ۲ آبان ۹۵

A senior police officer has been criticised for suggesting some burglaries should not be investigated if doors and windows have been left open.

Phil Kay, assistant chief constable of Leicestershire police, said he would far rather officers focus on preventing crime and protecting the public than investigate break-ins where carelessness may have played a role. The senior officer posed the question while discussing a high rate of burglaries at properties occupied by students at Loughborough University. In order to get students to “take notice”, Kay suggested police could employ similar methods to NHS services when providing treatment for the clinically obese. “What the National Health Service will say is ‘we are not going to operate on you because your body mass is too high’. They have not helped themselves to prevent an illness,” he told the Loughborough Echo. “Yet if people leave doors or windows open there is an expectation the police will investigate.

“I would far rather my officers were spending their time preventing crime, protecting the public and focusing on other stuff than things that are preventable.”

Under a long-running operation Leicestershire police have attempted to tackle the problem by raising awareness among students.

MP Andrew Bridgen, who represents north-west Leicestershire, said: “I would like to hope that the force are putting this out there as a way of reminding the public of the importance of not leaving doors or windows open.

“But it is their job to detect and investigate such crimes, not to penalise law-abiding citizens who may have made a mistake.”

ترجمۀ مطبوعاتی (۲) – متن ۳

ترجمۀ مطبوعاتی (۲) – متن ۳

یکشنبه، ۲ آبان ۹۵

این هم ترجمۀ شفاهیِ من در حضور رئیس محترم مجلس:

   German engineering giant Siemens says it is preparing to sign a major deal with Iran to develop the country’s railway system.
   Reuters quoted an unnamed industry source as saying that top Siemens officials will arrive in Tehran on Friday to discuss the deal which is expected to be worth above €2 billion.
   It will involve an order for a model of intercity train in use in Germany.

Reuters added that Germany’s Transport Minister Alexander Dobrindt is also expected in Tehran on Friday.

   Minister Dobrindt is expected to discuss the expansion of mutual cooperation over a variety of areas.  He will head a major trade delegation during his meeting.

   German Vice Chancellor and Economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel traveled to Iran at the start of the month and during that trip Siemens got an order to build parts for 50 locomotives, Reuters added.

   The two countries during Gabriel’s visit signed a range of business deals in what was seen as a move which could take economic relations between the two countries to a new level.

   Gabriel led a delegation of 160 businesspeople to Tehran. This was his second visit to Iran since the country reached a deal in July last year to restrict certain aspects of its nuclear energy activities in return for the removal of some economic sanctions that had been imposed on it for several years.

ترجمۀ متون ساده – متن ۳

ترجمۀ متون ساده – متن ۳

شنبه، ۱ آبان ۹۵


The Achaemenid Persian empire was the largest that the ancient world had seen, extending from Anatolia and Egypt across western Asia to northern India and Central Asia. Its formation began in 550 B.C., when King Astyages of Media, who dominated much of Iran and eastern Anatolia (Turkey), was defeated by his southern neighbor Cyrus II (“the Great”), king of Persia (r. 559–530 B.C.). This upset the balance of power in the Near East.

The Lydians of western Anatolia under King Croesus took advantage of the fall of Media to push east and clashed with Persian forces. The Lydian army withdrew for the winter but the Persians advanced to the Lydian capital at Sardis, which fell after a two-week siege.

The Lydians had been allied with the Babylonians and Egyptians and Cyrus now had to confront these major powers. The Babylonian empire controlled Mesopotamia and the eastern Mediterranean. In 539 B.C., Persian forces defeated the Babylonian army at the site of Opis, east of the Tigris. Cyrus entered Babylon and presented himself as a traditional Mesopotamian monarch, restoring temples and releasing political prisoners.

The one western power that remained unconquered in Cyrus’ lightning campaigns was Egypt. It was left to his son Cambyses to rout the Egyptian forces in the eastern Nile Delta in 525 B.C. After a ten-day siege, Egypt’s ancient capital Memphis fell to the Persians.

ترجمۀ متون ساده – متن ۲

ترجمۀ متون ساده – متن ۲

شنبه ۲۴ مهر ۹۵

فونت «یاس» را از اینجا دانلود و روی رایانۀ خود نصب کنید تا همه نوشته‌های فارسیِ این وبلاگ را زیباتر ببینید.

How do batteries work?

Electricity, as you probably already know, is the flow of electrons through a conductive path like a wire. This path is called a circuit.

Batteries have three parts, an anode (-), a cathode (+), and the electrolyte. The cathode and anode (the positive and negative sides at either end of a traditional battery) are hooked up to an electrical circuit.

The chemical reactions in the battery causes a build up of electrons at the anode. This results in an electrical difference between the anode and the cathode. You can think of this difference as an unstable build-up of the electrons. The electrons want to rearrange themselves to get rid of this difference. But they do this in a certain way. Electrons repel each other and try to go to a place with fewer electrons.

In a battery, the only place to go is to the cathode. But, the electrolyte keeps the electrons from going straight from the anode to the cathode within the battery. When the circuit is closed the electrons will be able to get to the cathode. In the picture above, the electrons go through the wire, lighting the light bulb along the way. This is one way of describing how electrical potential causes electrons to flow through the circuit.


ترجمۀ مطبوعاتی (۲) – متن ۲

ترجمۀ مطبوعاتی (۲) – متن ۲

یکشنبه، ۲۵ مهر ۹۵

فونت «یاس» را از اینجا دانلود و روی رایانۀ خود نصب کنید تا همه نوشته‌های فارسیِ این وبلاگ را زیباتر ببینید.

Before the United States permitted a terrifying way of interrogating prisoners, government lawyers and intelligence officials assured themselves of one crucial outcome. They knew that the methods inflicted on terrorism suspects would be painful, shocking and far beyond what the country had ever accepted. But none of it, they concluded, would cause long lasting psychological harm.

Fifteen years later, it is clear they were wrong.

Today in Slovakia, Hussein al-Marfadi describes permanent headaches and disturbed sleep, plagued by memories of dogs inside a blackened jail. In Kazakhstan, Lutfi bin Ali is haunted by nightmares of suffocating at the bottom of a well. In Libya, the radio from a passing car spurs rage in Majid Mokhtar Sasy al-Maghrebi, reminding him of the C.I.A. prison where earsplitting music was just one assault to his senses.

And then there is the despair of men who say they are no longer themselves. “I am living this kind of depression,” said Younous Chekkouri, a Moroccan, who fears going outside because he sees faces in crowds as Guantánamo Bay guards. “I’m not normal anymore.”

After enduring agonizing treatment in secret C.I.A. prisons around the world, dozens of detainees developed persistent mental health problems.